** Robert Girrard (Thomas Kinkade) **
A Summer's Morning

Year of Release - 2004
From the Single Release Series

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+++++ What Thomas Kinkade said about this work +++++
"The play of light on water intrigues and challenges me today, much as it challenged the Impressionist masters a century ago. Like Monet, I love to set up my easel on a riverbank and attempt to capture the multiple reflections and the sparkle of sunlight as a gentle breeze ripples the stream. In my impressionist work, A Summer's Morning, the reflections of sailboats dance on the crystal waters. I try to make my brush dance on my canvas, much as Monet's brush danced when he painted outdoors a century ago."

~~ Thomas Kinkade

What Thomas Kinkade said about his Robert Girrard work

"By using the Girrard brush name, I have achieved absolute artistic freedom. This freedom led to a joyful experimentation that resulted in numerous breakthroughs and advances in my artistic techniques and talents. Accomplished in the creation of mood and atmosphere in landscape, the broadened palette I acquired during the Girrard years allowed new dimensions to be employed in how I handled the subtle beauties of the qualities in a broad variety of contexts."

~~Thomas Kinkade

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