** Thomas Kinkade **
Golden Gate Bridge San Francisco

Year of Release - 1995
From the San Francisco Series

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+++++ What Thomas Kinkade said about this work +++++
"I'm stunned. I've just seen something astonishingly beautiful and unexpected. came upon a half-hidden trail overlooking the bay, and followed it down through a dense eucalyptus forest leading to a small beach. A fisherman there told me, 'Few know about this place, but it's like nowhere else in the world.'

As he spoke, a dense fog lifted, and before me stood the majestic arch of the Golden Gate. Framed by that span, the whole sweep of the San Francisco skyline appeared - Coit Tower, the Bay Bridge, the downtown skyscrapers and all the other landmarks etched sharply against the brilliant reds and subtle mauves of the billowing sunset clouds.

As dusk fell, the lights of the city twinkled on, reflecting in the blue waters of the bay like some mythical enchanted kingdom. Then, to cap it off, white sailboats danced into the harbor, mirroring the flight of gulls in their graceful motion. I said a grateful prayer for the vision and added, 'Please, God, let me do this beauty justice in my art.'

To all of you who've awaited my new Golden Gate Bridge artwork, please know that I've worked hard to make this artwork something very special. I can only hope that you'll feel that my prayer was answered."

~~Thomas Kinkade

~~ 1995 NALED 2nd Runner-up Lithograph of the Year ~~

Every Year 30,000 Art gallery dealers, art critics, art reviewers in major publications vote for "Best Graphic/Lithograph" It is called the National Association of Limited Edition Dealers Award ("NALED" Award). This prestigious art award gives recognition to the artist and his art which is equivalent to winning "Best Picture" at the academy awards and propels the artwork into sell-out status.
NALED has selected Thomas Kinkade artwork as Graphic/Lithograph of the Year nine times! Thomas Kinkade received a special award from NALED in 2004 recognizing him as the Most Award Winning Artist in the Past 25 Years!

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