** Thomas Kinkade **
Winter Chapel

Year of Release - 1999
From the Archive Collection Series

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+++++ What Thomas Kinkade said about this work +++++
"I dearly love the mountains and like to think of them as God's cathedrals. When men build a modest chapel under the shelter of soaring peaks, the setting takes on a sacred serenity.

Winter Chapel portrays just such a scene. The residents of a mountain hamlet go about their business; walking the dog, going to market, pausing perhaps a minute more to admire the sunset that touches their mountain chapel and their humble homes with glory.

We, who are not for the moment caught up in the business of living, can give the scene the attention it deserves. Towering clouds appear to be rent by God's hand; a heavenly light pours through the gaps, falling on the snow-capped mountains and on the soaring church steeple. The contrast between light and shadow is stark and thrilling; this is surely one of the most awesome sunsets that I have ever captured on canvas."

~~Thomas Kinkade

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