** Thomas Kinkade **
Split Rock Light

Year of Release - 2001
From the Lighthouse Landmarks Series

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+++++ What Thomas Kinkade said about this work +++++
"I love lighthouses. The severe, uncompromising life of service lived by lonely lighthouse keepers possesses a special dignity. Poised between the last outcroppings of land and the vast expanse of the ocean, the lighthouse has become a profound symbol of human life, poised as it is between the transitory and the eternal."
"I am intrigued by lighthouses. Erected in locations of great peril, they often stand in settings of remarkable beauty and drama as well. Where nature is most powerful, it can also be majestic.

That is especially true of Split Rock Light erected on the towering cliffs of Lake Superior's north shore in Minnesota to light the way for the massive ore carriers that moved a rich treasure of iron ore through from mines in Canada and the U.S. As I gaze on this beetling cliff, I begin to understand the legend of the Sirens, whose wild and beautiful song drew ships to wreck on their perilous rocks. Surely, beauty such as this might call even a plodding barge to its ruin.

Split Rock Light was built in 1910 and continued to guide ships through stormy waters until 1969 when the Minnesota park service took over its management. Now it is perhaps the most visited lighthouse in the U.S. Guests who make the long drive are rewarded by a breathtaking view of the rugged limestone light overlooking a majestic promontory.

I've employed artistic license in an effort to capture the drama in Split Rock Light - a romanticized moonlit portrayal of the glorious lighthouse - so you can enjoy this unparalleled view without having to drive the long, rural highway.

~~Thomas Kinkade

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