** Thomas Kinkade **
Streams of Living Water

Year of Release - 2000
From the Chapels of Nature Series

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+++++ What Thomas Kinkade said about this work +++++
"I believe that the heart of worship knows no boundaries. Any prayer offered with sincere belief - however humble the surroundings or circumstances - is joyously received by God

And yet there are places of worship, like this tranquil stone chapel I came upon during a ramble in the Smoky Mountains, which must be especially pleasing in God's sight. Prayer offered here will flow heavenward just as surely as God's manifold blessings cascade to earth like 'streams of living water.'

In this peaceful kingdom, all of nature gathers in praise of God's glory. The stone walls of the chapel seem to grow out of the earth itself, while the pristine waters of the stream cascade from an ineffable distance. Deer, birds, rabbits, even a frog - creatures of earth, water, and sky - gather in humble and silent witness to the unity and harmony of the creation. Graceful trees shelter and shade this cloistered spot as a curious squirrel observes the revelry from his perch upon a limb. And over all, like a radiant umbrella, the glorious vault of the heavens unfolds another glistening morning.

There are scenes in nature so graciously constructed, so sublime, that they become, in essence, parables in wood and water and stone. The duty of the artist is to witness with a loving heart and to record with a sure hand and a truthful eye.

That is what I hope I have done in Streams of Living Water, a scene where God allows us to glimpse His loving kindness."

~~Thomas Kinkade

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