** Thomas Kinkade **
City by the Bay

Year of Release - 2003
From the Single Release Series

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+++++ What Thomas Kinkade said about this work +++++
"For me, the romance of San Francisco begins at Fisherman's Wharf. The Golden Gate Bridge stands as a welcoming sentinel, while sunset bathes the fog shrouded air and glistens on the moist pavement. Aficionados of San Francisco will note many romantic touches; replacing the contemporary wharf electric trolleys with the more colorful and nostalgic cable cars, clearing away some of the fisherman's shacks along Sacoma's pier to allow a less interupted view of the famous Golden Gate, and dressing the scene with an uninterupted flow of vintage vehicles. On the top floor of the famous Castagnola's restaurant, I even included a depiction of myself as a little boy looking out in awe at the distant bay as a fog shrouded ship departs for points unknown. Perhaps the romance of "City by the Bay", at least for me, began in childhood with such whimsical daydreams."

~~Thomas Kinkade

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