** Thomas Kinkade **
Summer's Heritage

Year of Release - 2011
From Spring Gate Series

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+++++ What Thomas Kinkade said about this work +++++
"As I thought of memorializing the impact of the family farms and ranches across our country, I wondered at all the discoveries and adventure prepared daily for those fortunate enough to enjoy the ranch. I imagined a grandfather starting his old reliable tractor early in the morning surrounded by a cohort of animals oblivious to his chores and duties. Next to him his faithful dog works his best for attention and fun ... after all, look at all the room to run! In the foreground, nature has adorned the entrance to this magnificent homestead with beautiful flowers lazily enjoying the day. Not to be outdone, the horse reminds all of his presence sheltered in the cool barn, yet yearning to run the plains and display the magnificence of movement. The sky adds its calming charm ushering in a peaceful and serene day while in the background a pond glistens with morning light.

What a great adventure for any youngster anxious to explore and leave a mark on granddad's farm ... the tractor, the barn, the animals, trees and pond ... could there be a better heritage afforded by summer ... could there be a better forge for character ... not likely!"

~~Thomas Kinkade

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