** Thomas Kinkade **
Capitola Village

Year of Release - 2007
From the Single Release Series

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+++++ What Thomas Kinkade said about this work +++++
"An artist strives for the ability to see familiar places as if for the first time. Capitola Village, is a favorite destination for an afternoon drive. I have friends there, Nanette and I dine with them there; this charming California coastal village is as familiar as my back yard; I've even painted it many times.

Imagine my surprise, then, when I ventured onto the cliffs above Capitola to be greeted by a dazzling new vista. In the afternoon light, the buildings seemed to glisten like the Emerald City of Oz.

I returned the following week and set up my easel at this precise spot. The long wooden pier divides the ocean into gemstone color swaths of emerald and turquoise. Pinks and blues shimmer in the town; the cliffs and beach are painted rose by the setting sun. I was truly seeing Capitola Village as if for the first time."

~~Thomas Kinkade


Capitola was a favorite weekend retreat for the Kinkade family.

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