** Robert Girrard (Thomas Kinkade) **

Year of Release - 2004
From the Single Release Series

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+++++ What Thomas Kinkade said about his Robert Girrard work +++++
"As a young artist exploring my style, I attempted to find inspiration from the French Impressionist viewpoint. I created a brush name, "Robert Girrard", that allowed me to create paintings with the carefree abandon of Monet, Renoir, and the other grand masters of the Impressionist style.

By using the Girrard brush name, I have achieved absolute artistic freedom. This freedom led to a joyful experimentation that resulted in numerous breakthroughs and advances in my artistic techniques and talents. Accomplished in the creation of mood and atmosphere in landscape, the broadened palette I acquired during the Girrard years allowed new dimensions to be employed in how I handled the subtle beauties of the qualities in a broad variety of contexts."

~~Thomas Kinkade

+++++ What Thomas Kinkade said about this work +++++
"Surrounded as I am by the heritage of giants. When I set up my easel and canvas on the sidewalks of what was, a century ago, the artistic capital of the world, I know that I follow in the steps of Toulouse Lautrec, Manet, and all the others who made this section of Paris the symbol of the artistic lifestyle. Happily, Parisian women still stroll the boulevards with parasols in hand, so that my Montmartre retains its historic flavor."

~~Thomas Kinkade

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