** Thomas Kinkade **
Windermere Ranch, Sunset

Year of Release - 2004
From the Single Release Series

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+++++ What Thomas Kinkade said about this work +++++
"The Kinkade family has established Windermere Ranch, in the foothills of northern California, as our private retreat. Of course, we sometimes open up the ranch to entertain dealers and friends, but it remains our special preserve - a place where we can feel completely together.

Recently, my oldest daughter, Merritt, and I laid symbolic claim on the land by actually climbing to the top of the mountain I portray in Windermere Ranch, Sunset, which we call Rainbow Ridge. The round trip took us 3 hours of strenuous effort, but our exhaustion was matched by our pride.

The stark, wind-carved mountains are especially dramatic in the vivid light of sunset. I painted Windermere Ranch, Sunset in a near frenzy of excitement, sensing that the act of painting completed my conquest.

I'm offering this striking, very personal vista in an extremely limited edition to those who share my love of country living."

~~Thomas Kinkade

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